Open consultations
You can have your say on any open consultation.
Please visit our Haringey engagement hub – the place to go to share your views on a range of different topics.
Open consultations and closing dates
- Haringey Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) (Commonplace)
- Homelessness Strategy 2025 to 2027 (Commonplace) – closes 31 March 2025
- Older people's housing strategy (Commonplace) – closes 31 March 2025
Other consultations
See the following sections for any other active consultations we may be currently running:
- conservation consultations
- council home delivery programme consultations and community engagement
- housing consultations
- local plan consultation
- parking consultations
- parks and open spaces consultations (Commonplace website)
- road safety and traffic scheme consultations
- schools consultations
- school street consultations
Our commitment to you
We are committed to making sure all our consultations are effective and efficient. You can expect that we will:
- make sure our consultations are a fundamental part of the planning and provision of services
- value the time and energy that you put into responding to consultations
- make it simple for you to tell us what you think
- co-ordinate our consultation programme with other organisations where possible
- monitor our consultations and avoid duplication and repetition
- communicate clearly about the purpose of the consultation, who is being consulted, the way we are consulting and when decisions will be taken on proposals
- actively seek to engage communities affected by the proposal(s) and explain how the proposed changes might affect different people
- use plain English
- translate documents into other languages and formats (for example Braille) and provide interpreters at meetings when they are needed
- use appropriate consultation methods
- follow good practice and legal requirements that relate to equality and social inclusion
At the end of the consultation we will communicate:
- what will happen next
- when the results of the consultation will be published
- when and by whom the decision(s) on the proposal(s) will be taken
- when the decision(s) will be published
Contact the communications and consultations team
Consultation Coordinator
Level 2, Alexandra House
Station Road
N22 7TY
United Kingdom