Haringey Homes consultations

Section 105 (of the 1985 Housing Act) consultations 

Under Section 105 of the Housing Act 1985, the council has a legal obligation to consult with secure tenants where proposals may have an impact on their recognised amenities. This can include changes to designated car parking spaces or open space overseen by Haringey Council.

Once the Section 105 consultation with secure tenants is carried out and responses considered, the council has undertaken its statutory duty. We publish reports on our Section 105 consultations before any planning application is submitted.

If you have any comments or queries regarding the council’s Housing Act 1985 Section 105 consultations, contact s105@haringey.gov.uk or 020 8489 4508.

Current consultations

There are no open consultations at the moment.

Closed consultations

Sir Frederick Messer 

The Section 105 consultation for Sir Frederick Messer ran from Tuesday 27 June 2022 to Friday 19 August 2022. We held 2 online engagement events in relation to these proposals on Tuesday 19 July 2022 and Tuesday 26 July 2022 and held an in-person event on Saturday 23 July 2022. Thank you to everyone who took part.

Secure council tenants and leaseholders were asked for their views on the proposal to remove open space and the footpaths near the corner of Seven Sisters Road and St Ann's Road and the reconfiguration of land and the footpaths outside Henrietta House on St Ann's Road to provide up to 95 new homes, including much needed affordable council homes.

You can view the Section 105 consultation outcome report and consultation brochure below:  

A community engagement exercise also ran between Tuesday 27 August 2024 to Monday 23 September 2024 for the wider community in the vicinity. We held 2 in-person engagement events in relation to these proposals on Friday 6 September 2024 and Saturday 14 September 2024. Having reviewed the feedback received, we have submitted a planning application to the Local Planning Authority. 

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