Delivering high-quality and sustainable homes that meet the needs of our residents is a key priority for the council and we are committed to fulfilling this promise.
We are on track to achieving our ambitious aim of building 3000 council homes at council rent by 2031. Around one in five new homes will be wheelchair accessible and/or adaptable and the council aims to incorporate specific adaptations for households with complex disabilities or those who require further support.
An example of this is Kym, a resident living in Haringey who was looking for support from us to move into more suitable accommodation. Here’s their story:
I’m happy to finally be in a suitable home for someone with my specific needs. After spending over nine years in unsuitable temporary accommodation, it was making me sick. Watching folks around me get housed over the years and being left behind, even as disabled wheelchair user with a chronic illness, you lose hope in the system.
After moving into my new home, I am slowly acclimatising to not feeling homeless and fearful of the worst, all the time. After a mammoth wait, I was put into a new build home, which was a relief.
I am happy that I am in the heart of Tottenham, an area that is full of British Caribbean history and carries the legacy of great advocates for equity, like the great Bernie Grant.The community is welcoming and looks out for each other. And that makes me feel safe when rolling to my front door; I feel like they have my back, so I don’t have to panic and constantly be looking over my shoulder.
I also like that there is a lot of light in the flat and an outdoor space. I spend 90% of my time in the house because of my health, so being in a welcoming community and not feeling like I am in solitary confinement, is important to me.
My experiences with housing services over the years have generally been tepid. I had grown distrustful of them, as I felt that my needs weren't taken seriously. My health wasn't understood, and my voice was unheard.
However, Yvonne from the Housing Delivery team changed that. She is professional, efficient and has not only listened to me, but has been proactive in trying to get my needs met. Yvonne has actively advocated for me behind the scenes; making enquiries, chasing up departments as well as helping contractors and managers to deliver a personal service. At no point has she been dismissive or nonchalant.
Her dedication to seeing me as an actual person and not a number, is so refreshing. I know the job Yvonne does cannot be easy - you meet all sorts. But she gave me a chance and worked with me to understand my needs, asking questions of the right people where she herself didn't have the answers. And you know what, she always comes back to you with feedback. She doesn't make false promises.
People like that make all the difference in council services. I've met a few here in Tottenham, and it eases the heavy weight of poverty and deprivation, that can sometimes feel hopeless. Yvonne has gone above and beyond her job description and I will forever be grateful that she was the chaperone for my rehousing journey. She has definitely contributed to me feeling more at home here.