Any Of Us can make a great foster carer here in Haringey

Haringey residents are being encouraged to consider fostering a child or young person following the release of a new and powerful, awareness-raising film today (Tuesday 26 September 2023).

‘Any Of Us’ focuses on a young girl called Chloe and looks at three different people – Ayesha, Marsha and Neil – who all show some of the key attributes needed to be a foster carer in incidents from their daily lives. One of these will be the foster carer for Chloe and help to transform her life.


This is the sixth film to be produced by a growing partnership of children’s trusts and councils to promote local authority fostering. With over 80 participants – including Haringey Council – joining forces on this project as well, it is the largest public sector film collaboration on fostering to date.

Haringey Council’s Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Families, Cllr Zena Brabazon, said:

Fostering can make such a huge difference to a young person’s life.

We are delighted to have taken part in this project, which supplies our fostering service with a high-quality and thought-provoking film that aims to encourage people from all different backgrounds to consider fostering.

All councils have their own area where we want to recruit foster carers from, so it makes great business sense to collaborate and produce a film that communicates a universal message – we all need more people to step forward and become foster carers.

The film has been produced by ReelTwentyFive and project managed by CAN Digital and Rachel Brown.

Project Director, Rachel Brown, commented:

Whilst there is always a core message about the difference fostering makes within our films, ‘Any Of Us’ has been more ambitious in telling three different stories from diverse foster carers, based around them sharing their experience with people considering fostering.

We hope that this will mean that the film and its messaging will appeal to as wide an audience as possible and encourage people to foster for their local authority.

Fostering directly with your council or children’s trust means that you can support your local community by working with a fostering service that is dedicated to supporting local children and young people who need a nurturing, safe fostering home.

Sarah Thomas, Chief Executive of The Fostering Network, added:

The Fostering Network has supported this project since the first collaborative film ‘Giants’ in 2017.

It’s fantastic to see the fostering services work together to amplify their message to recruit much-needed foster carers. There’s currently a shortage o 6,000 fostering households in England, so films like this have a vital role to play in encouraging more people to become foster carers.

A lot of people – rightly – praised the John Lewis fostering advert at Christmas time as poignant and socially responsible. ‘All Of Us’ is right up there alongside it. 

Now, it’s our job to have it seen as widely as possible, so more people take the first step and become the foster carers we need right across England.

If you require some further information or would like to register your interest in becoming a foster carer here in Haringey, you can contact Haringey’s fostering service via phone: 020 8489 3754 or email:

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