A new anti-fraud phone number has been launched to help reduce the number of stolen Blue Badges being fraudulently used or sold in Haringey.
Residents are urged to contact the council anonymously on 020 8489 2102 or online if they know of Blue Badges being fraudulently used or have been offered them for sale or to rent or know someone who is selling one.
Haringey has taken strong measures to reduce disabled parking misuse in the borough including an award-winning technology that checks if a Blue Badge has been stolen. There are also increased patrols with the police and the Paperless Blue Badge, which allows the permit to be registered to a car, so the vehicle’s owner does not need to display the badge.
Cllr Seema Chandwani, Cabinet Member for Resident Services & Tackling Inequality, said:
Disabled residents have told me of their anger and the stress of when someone breaks into their car and takes their Blue Badge. It takes away their independence until they have their car fixed and receive a replacement badge.
This clearly has to stop and we are doing everything in our power to find ways to reduce the number of Blue Badges being stolen.
We have worked so hard with our residents to put measures in place to protect them from Blue Badge misuse.
This incredible collaboration with our residents needs to continue, so I urge everyone to contact the Blue Badge Fraud Line if they know someone fraudulently using or selling Blue Badges to ensure the fraudsters are brought to justice.
Chief Inspector Jonathan Waterfield, Haringey Neighbourhoods team, Metropolitan Police Service, said:
The local police in Haringey are working closely with Haringey Council to reduce motor vehicle crime and we very much welcome this initiative.
Residents who think they are eligible to a Blue Badge can apply for one here: https://www.haringey.gov.uk/parking-roads-and-travel/parking/parking-permits/disabled/Blue-Badge
Blue badge holders can apply for the resident Blue Badge Holder permit, which means you do not have to display your badge in the borough here: About resident Blue Badge holder permit | Haringey Council
More on the improvements the council has made to improve parking for disabled people: Improvements to parking for disabled people | Haringey Council