Public Voice unveiled as Haringey’s new VCS building partner

Public Voice VCS Press Release Pic 2

Haringey residents will continue to receive the highest standard of support through the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) after Haringey Council unveiled a new capacity building partner.

Following a robust and thorough tender process, Public Voice were awarded the new contract after submitting a strong bid that not only outlined their experience and expertise, but also showcased their commitment to providing the required services and outcomes. They will be the lead organisation, working in tandem with Mind in Haringey.

There has been a significant amount of engagement with the sector as part of this process, and the service has been redesigned to align with the Haringey Deal that puts residents at the heart of everything that the council does.

Haringey Council’s Cabinet Member for Culture, Communities and Leisure, Cllr Emily Arkell, said: “We are looking forward to the opportunity to work with Public Voice and MIND in Haringey.

“Our goal was to ensure the capacity building partner understood the specific needs of our different communities to support and develop a vibrant VCS for the benefit of Haringey residents.

“Both organisations are committed to, and have extensive experience of, co-production and engagement with diverse communities and service users along with a track record of supporting other, smaller VCS organisations through channelling funding to them and providing funding transparency.

“They are ambitious and innovative in their approach to the delivery of the new service along with recognising the value of building trusting relationships, with emphasis on capacity building, transparency and a commitment to partnership working.”

Cllr Arkell also placed on record our collective gratitude to previous provider The Bridge Renewal Trust and the invaluable support they’ve given to the VCS and our residents for almost a decade now.

“We want to thank The Bridge Renewal Trust for all they have done to support the VCS for the last eight years in Haringey,” she added.

“Among the significant outcomes were the support and leadership provided during the pandemic and the development of Food Network and the Volunteer Centre.

“They have also fostered networking and collaboration within the VCS community through the hosting of VCS forums and events like Summer Fest and the Community Impact Awards.”

Dan Rogers, CEO of Public Voice, commented: “Having worked in Haringey for over 10 years in collaboration with many voluntary and community organisations, Public Voice and our partners Mind in Haringey are excited to have the opportunity to strengthen the sector further.

“In these challenging times, the support provided to local communities has never been more important. We will strive to make voices heard and support individuals and communities to flourish.

“We look forward to working together with residents, VCSE organisations large and small and others to identify the needs and growth opportunities for the VCSE sector, reduce inequalities and ultimately to improve outcomes for the people of Haringey.”

Lynette Charles, CEO of Mind in Haringey, said: “Mind in Haringey has been delivering mental health services and projects to those that experience mental health issues for over 5 years.

“We are thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Public Voice and our fellow VCS organisations to strengthen, build capacity and effect change for all our community members in Haringey.

“This has never been more vital, given the challenges the sector and our communities are facing with the cost of living crisis, meaning that it is even more important we work together to create a happy resilient Haringey.”

Rachel Hughes, Chair of The Bridge Renewal Trust, commented: “Over the past eight years, the Bridge has helped lever in over £20m worth of funding and resources into Haringey’s vibrant and diverse voluntary and community sector.

“During this time, we have worked hard to provide an equitable service, including supporting both grassroots community groups and more established charities to thrive.

“We are incredibly proud of our achievements and look forward to continuing working with the council, whilst supporting the new capacity building partner in the coming months to build on this legacy.”

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