Celebrating a new play space in north Tottenham

Local children and parents joined Council Leader Cllr Peray Ahmet, Cabinet Members Cllr Ruth Gordon and Cllr Zena Brabazon and ward councillors to celebrate the official opening of a new play area on the Love lane Estate co-designed with the local community.
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Including swings, slides, sensory panels, multi-deck play equipment and soft, child-friendly flooring, the fun-filled area will be the go-to space for local children aged 2-12 to enjoy outdoor activity.

Collaboration on the project included a resident ‘design group’ visiting play areas in Haringey and neighbouring boroughs to explore what they would like to see at Love Lane.

This feedback informed the design and build brief for the play area, with the Love Lane Residents Association helping choose the specialist contractor to carry out the work.

Cllr Ruth Gordon, Cabinet Member for Housebuilding, Placemaking and the Local Economy, said: “I’m delighted to see so many families use this new and welcoming co-created space.

“The Love Lane Estate is part of the major redevelopment of this part of Tottenham, but we are not waiting for the building work to start to bring about local improvements.

“A new play area has been a top priority for residents, and I’m pleased we’ve been able to work closely with them to make this a reality. This has been a project for the community, by the community.”

Cllr Zena Brabazon, Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Families, said: “Playgrounds are so important for young people’s health and wellbeing.

“Vibrant outdoor spaces like this are exactly what residents wanted and will encourage young people to play outside and into active lifestyles.”

Bilad Dhoof, Chair of the Love Lane Residents Association, said: “It has been great to work with the council to develop the new playground. I am so grateful that families have a much nicer park on their doorstep.”

The redevelopment of Love Lane Estate as part of the High Road West (HRW) scheme will create a better and safer neighbourhood for everyone and deliver on community priorities including 500 new council homes, new jobs and employment space and improved community facilities such as the Library and Learning Centre, and new and enhanced green and open spaces.

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