The Champions will act as advocates for a specific area and add capacity and focus to it, while supporting community engagement and co-production of a particular programme or project.
They’ll raise awareness on important issues in the borough. Building partnerships with neighbouring boroughs, other councils and regional bodies, as well as responding to initiatives from central government, will also form part of their roles.
These Cabinet Champions positions are voluntary roles in addition to their existing ward councillor duties and the current appointments will be until May 2025.
The Leader of Haringey Council, Cllr Peray Ahmet, said: “Along with my Cabinet, I am looking forward to working with the new Cabinet Champions on local issues we know really matter to our residents.
“Each Cabinet Champion is passionate about their specific area of local interest and we’re confident this will shine through as they engage with the diverse communities here in our borough. This is about building a fairer and greener Haringey.”
The six new Cabinet Champions are as follows:
Communities Champion: Cllr Mark Grosskopf

Libraries Champion: Cllr Alexandra Worrell

Mental Health Champion: Cllr Sean O’Donovan

Migrants Champion: Cllr Cathy Brennan

Walking and Cycling Champion: Cllr George Dunstall

Youth Participation Champion: Cllr Lester Buxton