If you’re based in the east of the borough, you can head on over to Bruce Castle Museum and Archive for their ghoulish series of ‘After Dark @ The Castle’ events tonight (Thursday 31 October 2024) and tomorrow evening (Friday 1 November 2024).
Visit the Candlelit Castle and be transported back to the Victorian age of ghost stories by costumed guides.
They will share the sinister secrets and eerie experiences hidden inside the walls of one of London’s most haunted buildings.
There are two tours each night, with one between 6:30pm and 7:30pm and the other from 8:15pm to 9:15pm.
Tickets are £15* (*including a drink) for this event, which is strictly for those aged 18 and over.
For your choice of ‘twilight tipple,’ you can have either a warming hot chocolate or a glass of wine and there will be time afterwards for you to enjoy your refreshment following the one-hour tour.
You are more than welcome to come in costume, although it’s not a mandatory requirement for participation.
To book your tickets, please email the team at Bruce Castle Museum and Archive and provide them with the following information:
- Your name (and the names of other guests)
- The number of tickets you would like to buy
- The date (either Thursday 31 October 2024 or Friday 1 November 2024) and time (either 6:30pm to 7:30pm or 8:15pm to 9:15pm) of the tour you would like to attend.
The team will then send you a payment link. Please ensure that you pay for your ticket(s) within 48 hours of receiving the payment link.
Tickets can only be issued to those aged 18 or over.
For more details, please visit the Special Events page on the Bruce Castle Museum and Archive website.

If you are out trick or treating tonight, we hope you have a fabulous and fun time.
Why not use the opportunity to call in on a neighbour or two you maybe haven’t spoken to in a while, ask how they are and see when they’re next free for that long-overdue catch-up over a cuppa?
We are encouraging our residents to be considerate of the elderly and contemplate only approaching properties that have seasonal decorations outside of them and have their lights on and well-lit entrances.
Read more: Stay safe this Halloween