Winter Toy Appeal launches to support Haringey families and children this Christmas

Haringey residents and businesses are being encouraged to support a Winter Toy Appeal that provides local children facing hardship with much-needed Christmas presents.
Toy Appeal 2024 Square Logo

Run by the Local Buyers Club in partnership with the Location Location estate agency, the appeal spans across North and East London and typically reaches more than 5,000 children who would otherwise be unlikely to receive a new gift on the 25th.

Now in its 11th year, over 34,000 toys have been donated since the appeal began in 2014 and Haringey is among the agencies distributing those presents to children in need, alongside the likes of Hackney Council, children’s centres and refuges.

Jenna Fansa, co-founder of the Local Buyers Club and organiser of its Winter Toy Appeal, launched the appeal with her husband Basil when their son was a baby.

Jenna said:

The cost-of-living crisis means many more families in London are going hungry – many simply cannot afford to buy gifts at Christmas.

We’re urging anyone who can to buy a new toy or donate funds to ensure every child has a special gift to open. The toys we collect go to children in the care system, those living in temporary accommodation and children experiencing extreme hardship.

When children talk excitedly together in the playground about their Christmas presents, it brings about a crushing sense of injustice for those who didn’t get anything.

So, beyond the initial joy the toys bring, the appeal has a more lasting impact. I hope that – through the Winter Toy Appeal these families feel the love of their community.

The Leader of Haringey Council, Cllr Peray Ahmet, said:

The Local Buyers Club’s Winter Toy Appeal has provided tens of thousands of toys to children and families here in Haringey and our neighbouring boroughs over the last 10 years.

Now entering its second decade, staff at the council work in close collaboration with the appeal’s organisers to ensure Haringey kids have presents to play with at Christmas – a festive and fun experience they might not otherwise get to enjoy.

If you can, it would be fantastic if you could support this year’s Winter Toy Appeal. In doing so, you’ll be helping to support a family in need, putting smiles on people’s faces and spreading some Christmas cheer to members of our Haringey community.

It’s easy to donate – residents and businesses can order a toy via the Haringey Wish List on Amazon, buy a new toy at Soup Dragon in Crouch End* (*use the code WINTERTOYAPPEAL to access the 20% discount for online purchases at Soup Dragon), donate to the appeal’s Go Fund Me page or drop off new toys at participating libraries.

Among the Haringey libraries taking part in the Appeal and collecting donations of new toys are Alexandra Park, Coombes Croft, Highgate, Hornsey, Marcus Garvey, St Ann’s, Stroud Green and Harringay and Wood Green.

Toys purchased via the Haringey Wish List will be sent to Wood Green Library (187-197 High Rd, London, N22 6XD).

Money raised via a GoFundMe page is spent directly with independent toy shops in London for toys for children across the capital.

Businesses, residents and supporters are being urged to spend around £15 on a gift – for many children, this is the only toy they’ll receive at Christmas and organisers are keen to ensure gifts are roughly of equal value and feel substantial and special.

How to donate:

  • Order via the Amazon Wishlist
  • Shop in store at Soup Dragon in Crouch End (please leave donations in store for the team to collect)
  • Shop online at Soup Dragon (*use the code WINTERTOYAPPEAL to access the 20% discount for online purchases at Soup Dragon) – your donations will be kept in store and passed on to the council
  • Donate NEW toys at participating libraries: Alexandra Park, Coombes Croft, Highgate, Hornsey, Marcus Garvey, St Ann’s, Stroud Green and Harringay and Wood Green
  • Donate to the appeal’s GoFundMe page

Monday 16 December 2024 is the last day to donate.

For more information about the appeal, visit the Local Buyers Club's Winter Toy Appeal website.

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