Holocaust Memorial Day marked in Haringey

Haringey’s multi-faith community congregated at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium on Monday (27 January 2025) for a special civic ceremony to mark Holocaust Memorial Day and commemorate the six million Jews murdered during World War Two, as well as all those killed in subsequent genocides.
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The Chair of Haringey’s Holocaust Memorial Day Committee and Cabinet Champion for Communities, Cllr Mark Grosskopf, began Monday’s event with introductory remarks before Spurs ambassador Gary Mabbutt and the Leader, Cllr Peray Ahmet, gave heartfelt and moving speeches.

The Foreign Secretary, David Lammy MP, then addressed the attendees via video message before the St Francis de Sales School Choir giving a stirring and superb rendition of John Lennon’s Imagine.

High praise goes to Emily Moldoveanu and Jasmine Tran from the London Academy of Excellence Tottenham (LAET) for their musical accompaniments on the piano throughout the afternoon.

The day’s keynote speaker, Helen Stone, then gave a presentation on ‘Courage, Kindness & Candles.’ This educational and informative talk was followed by a Q&A session with schoolchildren and young people from the Haringey Learning Partnership (HLP), Gladesmore Community School, Haringey Sixth Form College and LAET.

Speeches were given by Catherine West MP (Hornsey & Friern Barnet), Bambos Charalambous MP (Southgate and Wood Green) and the Deputy Mayor of London and Greater London Assembly (GLA) Member for Enfield and Haringey, Joanne McCartney.

Cllr Sheila Peacock led the audience in affirming the seven Statements of Commitment prior to prayers from our multi-faith community and closing remarks by Cllr Grosskopf.

We would like to thank Spurs and Tottenham Hotspur Stadium for generously hosting this event.

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