New Local Plan

The council has begun the process of preparing a New Local Plan which will replace the existing Local Plan documents adopted in July 2017. The Local Plan is used to decide on planning applications for new development and buildings in the borough.

Call for Sites

The council is carrying out a Call for Sites until Sunday 16 June 2024. We are inviting landowners, developers, residents and other stakeholders to identify land or sites that could potentially be developed for housing, commercial, industrial or other uses over the next 15 years. 

The Call for Sites is an important step in the development of the New Local Plan for Haringey, a draft of which is due to be published later in 2024.   

Sites can be submitted for consideration for any of the following land uses: 

  • New homes or other type of housing (this includes large sites down to single dwellings, affordable housing schemes, specialist older people housing, self and custom build plots and Gypsy and Traveller accommodation) 
  • Commercial or industrial uses  
  • Infrastructure required to support growth in the borough 

We will assess the sites submitted for their suitability, availability and deliverability in line with national planning policy. 

Suggest a site

To submit a site suggestion, you can either: 

  1. complete the Call for Sites form (Word, 55KB) and email it to us at using the subject line "Call for Sites 2024"
  2. fill in the digital survey on the Call for Sites commonplace page (external link)

Further information

For further information, please visit the Call for Sites 2024 Commonplace (external link) or email the Planning Policy Team at


The new Local Plan will be informed by evidence on a range of planning issues including housing, employment, retail, biodiversity and viability.

Evidence base documents currently completed are:

Delivering net zero-carbon report

Following the adoption of Part L 2021 of Building Regulations on 15 June 2022, we commissioned a team of consultants to review the evidence for our energy and carbon planning policy targets in light of changes to Part L.

We led on the delivery of this London-wide evidence report as part of a consortium of 18 London boroughs.

The Delivering Net Zero report (2023) sets out the findings of this review. This study forms part of the evidence base for Haringey's draft Local Plan.

You can find the Towards Net Zero Carbon report on the Delivering Net Zero page.

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First Steps Engagement 

Formal consultation on the New Local Plan: First Steps ran from 16 November 2020 until 1 March 2021.

The New Local Plan First Steps Engagement document set out the key issues to be addressed by the New Local Plan, asked open questions about the issues and challenges facing the future planning of the borough and sought views on options to address them. 

Alongside the New Local Plan First Steps Engagement consultation document an Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Scoping Report was also prepared for consultation setting out how the council will assess the equalities, sustainability and health impacts of the New Local Plan.

Please visit our New Local Plan consultation website site to view all First Steps Engagement documents and key summaries.

New Local Plan: First Steps Engagement website(external link)

The main documents can also be downloaded below:

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Next Stages

We will publish a consultation report for the First Steps Engagement alongside a Draft Local Plan for further consultation – expected in late 2024.

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Further information

If you would like further information please contact the Planning Policy Team:


020 8489 5965

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Page last updated:

May 10, 2024