Children and Education services contracts

Contracted products and services (Children and Education).

For information about the contracted products and services please email:

To see which of the contracts below may be up for retendering in the next 18 months see our contracts register.

Contracted products and services

Item Category Number Definition
Fostering Service 93141505

Fostering services (internal and external services) for looked after children.

This category also includes family link carers

Adoption Service 93141505A Adoption services (internal and external services for looked after children)
Children Residential 93141504A

In-house and out of the borough residential care provision for Looked After Children.


  • Children’s Homes
  • Secure Units / accommodations
Clothing Grant 53100000 A grant issued to carers of looked after children and young people
Domiciliary Care Children & Young People 91111600A Personal assistance provided to carers of children and young people with disabilities i.e. bathing and changing
In Borough Education Provision 86140000 School and further education establishments (in borough)
Out of Borough Education Provision 86140000A School and further education establishments (out of borough)
Spot SEN - Residential Education Placement 86130000A

Spot Residential Education placement for children and young people with Special Educational Needs.

Independent and non-maintained Special Schools

Spot SEN – Day Education Placement 86130000B

Spot Day Education placement for children and young people with Special Educational Needs.

Independent and non-maintained Special Schools

Education - Guidance 86141500 Supply of education guidance services
Education Support
86000000 Education support services for children and young people in mainstream schools and further education establishments (excluding SEN support)
Education - Specialised 86130000

Supply of specialised education services for children and young people with Special Educational Needs.

For Example:

  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Teaching Assistant
Examination Fees 14111533 Payment for exam fees outside of the education examination process.
In Borough Day Placement 91111901 Day care services based in the borough i.e. nursery schools, holiday provision, after school provision
In Borough Care Provision 86140000B Supply of care provision within Haringey
Out of Borough Care Provision 86140000C Supply of care provision outside of Haringey
Leaving Care Service 93141504D Services for young people aged 16 plus who are leaving care such as Semi-Supported Housing
Support and Prevention Services 85101600

Support services for children/ young people and their families in need.

For Example:

  • Family Support Services
  • Advocacy Service
  • Mentoring
  • Family Group Conferences
Support Services for LAC 93141506H

Statutory and Non – Statutory provisions for Looked After Children, ie:

  • Children and Adolescent mental health service
  • Independent visitors scheme
  • Supervised Contacts
Toys and Other Educational Equipment 60140000 Supply of toys and other education equipment for use by or with children/young people
Tuition Fees 86141504 Payment for tuition fees outside of the normal curriculum
Early Year's Provision 70111602 Nurseries, Children’s Centres
Out of School Hours Activities 95121508 After School club, breakfast club, holiday activities, school trips etc.
Personalisation for Children and Young People 84111703A Personalised budget for children and young people with disabilities