Lost parking or traffic PCNs

Part of: Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) – parking and traffic

If you have lost your PCN, you must wait for the letter we send you when the PCN is not paid 28 days after it's issued. 

You’ll get a: 

  • ‘notice to owner’ letter for an on-street parking offence 
  • ‘charge certificate’ letter for a moving traffic offence 
  • ‘enforcement notice’ letter for a bus lane offence 

Paying the lower charge 

Losing your PCN means you cannot pay the PCN within 14 days. This means you cannot pay the 50% discounted charge. 

You can complete and return the ‘making representations’ form included in your letter. On the form, tell us that you lost your PCN and we will consider letting you pay the lower amount. 

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