Cost of business parking permits

Part of: Business parking permits

Permit length

Permits last for 1 year.

How we work out the cost of your permit

Vehicles registered after 1 March 2001

If your vehicle was registered after 1 March 2001, the cost is based on the environmental impact of your vehicle – see on GOV.UK how much CO2 your vehicle produces (g/km).

Vehicles registered before 1 March 2001

If your vehicle was registered before March 2001, your vehicle's CO2 emissions aren't available. The cost of your permit is based on your vehicle's engine size (CCs).

Business CPZ permit

Event day CPZs

If your business is in the following CPZs, your business CPZ permit is free:

  • Tottenham Event Day
  • Tottenham Hale North Event Day
  • Tower Gardens Event Day

Vehicles registered after 1 March 2001 – CO2 emission bands

  Business CPZ permit Permit cost for diesel vehicles – extra £100 charge
Up to 100 CO2 g/km including electric vehicles £150 £250
101-110 CO2 g/km £200 £300
111-120 CO2 g/km £250 £350
121-130 CO2 g/km £300 £400
131-140 CO2 g/km £350 £450
141-150 CO2 g/km £400 £500
151-165 CO2 g/km £450 £550
166-175 CO2 g/km £500 £550
176-185 CO2 g/km £550 £650
186-200 CO2 g/km £600 £700
201-225 CO2 g/km £650 £750
226-255 CO2 g/km £700 £800
Over 255 CO2 g/km £750 £850

Vehicles registered before 1 March 2001 (or where CO2 emissions are unknown) – engine size

  Business CPZ permit Permit cost for diesel vehicles – extra £100 charge
Not over 1549cc £346 £446
Over 1550cc to 3000cc £484 £584
3001cc and above £750 £850

Utility company and borough-wide business permit

Vehicles registered after 1 March 2001 – CO2 emission bands

  Utility company and borough-wide permit Permit cost for diesel vehicles – extra £100 charge
Up to 100 CO2 g/km including electric vehicles £310 £410
101-110 CO2 g/km £410 £510
111-120 CO2 g/km £480 £580
121-130 CO2 g/km £550 £650
131-140 CO2 g/km £620 £720
141-150 CO2 g/km £690 £790
151-165 CO2 g/km £780 £880
166-175 CO2 g/km £870 £970
176-185 CO2 g/km £960 £1,060
186-200 CO2 g/km £1,050 £1,150
201-225 CO2 g/km £1,140 £1,240
226-255 CO2 g/km £1,230 £1,330
Over 255 CO2 g/km £1,320 £1,420

Vehicles registered before 1 March 2001 (or where CO2 emissions are unknown) – engine size

  Utility company and borough-wide permit Permit cost for diesel vehicles – extra £100 charge
Not over 1549cc £651 £751
Over 1550cc to 3000cc £956 £1,056
3001cc and above £1,320 £1,420

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