Blue Badge holders living in the Bowes Primary Area Quieter Neighbourhood in Enfield can apply for an exemption for parts of Bounds Green LTN.
The vehicle:
- does not need to be registered to the Blue Badge holder’s own address
- does not need to be owned or driven by the Blue Badge holder
This exemption is limited to 1 vehicle for each Blue Badge holder.
Where vehicles are exempt
Where your vehicle is exempt will depend on where you live.
For example, if you live on Palmerston Road, this means you’re in Area B of the Bounds Green LTN. You’ll only be given an exemption for camera-enforced traffic filters in Area B.
View the Bounds Green LTN maps
The traffic filters in Area B have an ‘Except permit holders X1B’ sign underneath a ‘No motor vehicles’ sign (a red circle containing a picture of a motorbike and a car).

Exemptions are not valid at traffic filters that do not have an 'Except permit holders’ sign.

These are usually located:
- where it would be unsafe to allow exemptions – for example, at a diagonal filter
- where there’s a filter that physically prevents motor vehicles from passing through – for example, on Truro Road
How to apply
You can apply for this exemption using the online form.
If you need help completing the form, please contact customer services.
Evidence you need to provide
You will need to provide:
- a copy of both sides of your Blue Badge
- proof of your address – for example, a bank statement, utility bill or Council Tax statement dated within the past 3 months
If you do not have a Blue Badge
You can apply for an individual circumstance exemption.
Exemptions for other areas
If you want an exemption for a different LTN or another part of Bounds Green LTN, you can apply for an individual circumstance exemption.