Monitoring low traffic neighbourhoods

Monitoring low traffic neighbourhood schemes, the need for monitoring, monitoring approach, reporting, monitoring tools.

We're committed to carrying out comprehensive monitoring of schemes introduced under our ambitious Streets for People initiative.

The need for monitoring

Monitoring of Streets for People schemes is needed to:

  • inform us and the public on the impact of schemes
  • establish whether schemes are delivering the intended objectives
  • inform whether any changes are required to trial schemes while they are in force, or to any subsequent permanent schemes
  • inform whether any changes are required to agreed exemptions
  • support continuous improvement in how we deliver active travel schemes

Monitoring approach

Things we will monitor across the Streets for People initiative include:

  • motor traffic
  • traffic speeds
  • journey times
  • levels of walking and cycling
  • bus journey times
  • emergency response times
  • air quality
  • collisions
  • non-vehicle use of residential streets (through perception surveys)
  • economic impacts (monitored through business perception surveys)

Monitoring reporting

Monitoring data will be published on My Haringey when it is available. To access the data, click on the 'My Maps' tab and click the 'Streets for People - Monitoring' map category.

The council commissioned a wide range of monitoring data prior to the implementation of the LTNs. The pre-implementation data has already been uploaded onto the maps on My Haringey.

Monitoring tools

We use different tools to monitor the Streets for People schemes.

Automatic traffic counters

Automatic traffic counters measure traffic flow (volume) and speed. They use pneumatic tubes installed across the width of a road and classify vehicles into various groups, such as cars, buses and heavy commercial vehicles. Automatic traffic counters are typically installed for one week. 

Manual classified counts (sometimes called 'turning counts')

Manual classified counts are carried out using either enumerators or video cameras. They are normally used to collect junction turning counts by vehicle class and can provide volume, class, and origin and destination data for a specific time (for example, 12 hours or peak periods).

Air quality – diffusion tubes

Diffusion tubes are widely used for indicative monitoring of ambient nitrogen dioxide (NO2). They take a sample over a period of time (typically 1 month), which allows assessment against the annual objective of 40 µg/m3. Their accuracy is limited, therefore the results must be adjusted based upon local or national co-location studies with chemiluminescent analysers. 

Air quality sensors

The technology provided by eLichens allows the council to collect live air quality information minute by minute. This includes concentration of CO2, PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10, temperature, ambient light, pressure, humidity, NO2 and Ozone O3. 

The air quality data and VivaCity cameras output will be updated quarterly.

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