Sustainable drainage and planning

Sustainable drainage in planning applications, guidance for developers, get advice about sustainable drainage.

We expect the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) in all locations, and all major planning applications have to demonstrate the use of sustainable drainage as part of their development.

Haringey Council is both the Lead Local Flood Authority and Local Planning Authority. Any development meeting the current criteria will have to be reviewed and approved by the council before any works can start on site.

We also encourage developers to contact the drainage department for site-specific guidance on all minor developments.

SuDS will be a material consideration in the planning process. For this reason it is very important that all details relating to an application are submitted as early as possible in the process.

We encourage SuDS be considered at masterplan stage and strongly advise attendance at a pre-application meeting.

Contact us for advice on the information that needs to be submitted with an application.

You can get more information about the process from:

Contact us about sustainable drainage (SuDS)

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