Street/building naming or numbering

Applying for street or building naming and numbering, costs.

Apply for street/building naming or numbering

We are responsible for street and building naming and numbering, but developers and residents can make suggestions.


Download, fill out and return the application form by email. Please include:

  • a completed form
  • a site plan

Once we've received your application, we'll let you know the costs. Your application will not be processed until you have paid.

Before you apply

See our guidelines and criteria before making your application:


Payment must be made by bank transfer.

Street/Building naming and numbering costs
Type of application Current fees Fees from April 2025
Application for up to 10 units £150 £160
Each additional unit over 10 £9 £10
New street £143 £150
Naming/re-naming an existing building £104 £110
Application for up to 10 units (where the address exists but is not officially registered) £189 £200
Each additional unit over 10 (where the address exists but is not officially registered) £10 £10

What we do

After the payment is received, we will start to process your application and keep you informed of progress.

The application will be granted if it:

  • complies with the British Standard BS7666 data entry conventions
  • complies with our policy on street naming and numbering
  • does not meet with any objections

If the application is accepted, we will notify:

  • the emergency services
  • internal council departments
  • all relevant bodies, including Royal Mail, which is responsible for allocating postcodes

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