
Taxi discounts for mobility issues or visual impairments, apply for a Taxicard, how to use a Taxicard, get a replacement Taxicard.

You might be able to get a Taxicard if you find it difficult to use public transport because of mobility issues or visual impairments.

Taxicards let you travel in licensed taxis and private hire cars in London at a reduced price. This discount applies to each trip you make.

Taxicards are managed by London Councils. On the London Councils website you can:

  • check if you can get a Taxicard
  • apply for a Taxicard
  • find out how to use a Taxicard and book a taxi
  • get a replacement Taxicard if yours has been lost, stolen or damaged

Find out more about Taxicards on the London Councils website.

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