Terms and conditions for car parks

Part of: Car parks

Car parks are managed under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended). We may issue a penalty charge notice (PCN) if you do not follow the Traffic Management Order rules. 

Abandoning a vehicle in a car park is not allowed in the regulations. Vehicles which appear to be abandoned may be immobilised or moved to a place of safe keeping and eventually disposed of. The cost of release, removal and storage is charged to the registered keeper. 

Unless agreed with us in advance, you cannot: 

  • use car parks for advertising, trading, camping, cooking, sleeping, washing or servicing vehicles 
  • put up tents, booths or any other structure 

We’re not responsible, and do not accept liability, for any loss, destruction, damage or theft from any vehicle except where it's caused by our negligence, wilful act or default, or because we did not carry out our statutory duty. We are not responsible for, and do not accept liability, in the case of death or personal injury sustained by customers and others in the car park except where it's caused by our negligence, wilful act or default, or breach of statutory duty. 

You cannot refuel your vehicle in Bury Road multistorey car park. 

We may issue a PCN if you do not follow car park regulations including:  

  • failure to park within the marked bays, parking in a bay reserved for specific users 
  • parking in such a way to cause obstruction 
  • parking a vehicle larger than 1.98 metres in height and 5.25 metres in length 
  • parking in a car park or area not designated for that class of vehicle 
  • offering or showing goods for sale from a vehicle in a parking place 

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