Terms and conditions for parking permits

General and specific terms and conditions for parking permits.

General terms for all permits 

We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. 

When applying for, renewing or maintaining your permit account, you confirm that you understand and accept these terms and conditions. 

You must follow these terms and conditions. If not, we may take enforcement action and cancel your permit. If we cancel your permit, we'll try to let you know before cancelling but this might not be possible if we're unable to contact you.  

Permits bought from us remain our property at all times. 

Applying for a permit 

We reserve the right to refuse an application for a permit and will always try to give a reason why.  


You must be 17 or over to apply for a permit.  

Vehicle size 

Your vehicle must not be larger than 2.27 metres high and 5.25 metres long. 

Application documents 

When applying for an account or permit you may need to provide documentation. It's your responsibility to provide the documents during the application process.  

Registered keeper 

Except for daily, temporary or transferable permits, as the permit holder you must be the registered keeper or only user (if company car) of the vehicle. The vehicle must be registered to, or kept at, the address on the permit application. While co-habiting or married couples may share the use of a vehicle, the parking permit application should be made in the name of the registered keeper. If this is not possible, exceptions may be considered.   

Permit price and fees 

Permit prices are in line with our current approved fees and charges. 

Permit price based on emissions or engine size 

If your permit is based on emissions or engine size, we use Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) data to check vehicle emissions and engine size. If the DVLA has emissions data for your vehicle, we'll charge you based on emissions. If the DVLA doesn't have emissions data for your vehicle, we'll charge you based on engine size. If the DVLA doesn't have emissions or engine size, we'll charge you for the highest priced permit. If you give us evidence showing your vehicle has lower emissions or engine size than the highest priced permit, we'll refund the difference.  

If you change your vehicle and it has a bigger engine size or higher emissions, you must make a payment to cover the higher cost. 

If the correct charge is not paid at the application stage, for example your vehicle falls into a higher emissions or engine size band, we reserve the right to cancel your permit or ask for a further payment to meet the higher fee. 


If your permit is refundable, we may not give you a refund if we find out that you gave false (fraudulent) information on your application.  

We will not extend or refund your permit if you were unable to make use of it for reasons outside of our control. 


As part of our commitment to stopping fraud, we may share your personal information with fraud prevention agencies – this is part of the National Fraud Initiative

For the following permits we may carry out automated checks to confirm you live at the address you provided – this includes checking the electoral register and Council Tax records: 

  • resident permits 
  • resident carer’s permit 
  • visitor permits 
  • resident blue badge holder permits 

Keeping details up to date 

You must make sure: 

  • your account and contact details are up to date 
  • that all information provided is correct 
  • to renew any permit(s) on time 

For all 6- or 12-month permits, if you sell, dispose of or no longer use or keep the vehicle you have a permit for, you must update your permit details

If you move home within Haringey, you must let us know you've moved and give us proof of your new address.  

Transferring and selling permits 

You cannot share, sell or give your permit to anyone else. We reserve the right to take the strongest possible action against anyone found to be buying on behalf of, selling to, or offering permits (including visitor parking permits) for sale to anyone else. The action we may take includes permanently suspending or deleting your permit account.  

Permit vehicle registration number 

You’re responsible for making sure the vehicle registration number (number plate) on the permit is always correct.  

Parking places 

Having a permit does not guarantee a parking space outside your home. Permit holders will be able to park within their CPZ. 

Bay markings 

You must park within bay markings.  

Parking suspensions 

You must not park where signs say parking is suspended. We try and give advance warning of a suspension. However, in an emergency, the suspension may happen without notice. It’s important, therefore, to check your vehicle daily and make arrangements for someone else to do this when you are going away for work or holiday purposes, as your vehicle may need to be moved. 

Parking places may be suspended by the police or someone we give permission to. 

Parking enforcement 

Our enforcement officers carry out random checks and you may have to give us information supporting your right to a permit. 

We carry out automated checks to confirm vehicle information, including engine size, type, emissions data and vehicle size. 

Parking tickets - Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) 

If you apply for a permit, we may check to see if you have any unpaid PCNs where either the statutory appeal process has ended, or a challenge has not been made. If this is the case, we may ask you to pay PCNs or challenge if applicable. We may temporarily suspend or cancel your permit where you have unpaid PCNs that cannot be challenged or appealed. 

Resident CPZ permits 

Visitor permits 

You can only have 2 daily visitor permits in use at any time. Use of any more than 2 daily visitor permits at a time automatically invalidates the permit(s) used after the time the 2nd permit was validated and you may get a PCN. There is no limit on the number of hourly permits you can use.    

It's your responsibility to make sure the date and time you use your permit, and the vehicle registration number, are correct. 

You and your visitors are responsible for checking the hours the CPZ is active. 

Address within your CPZ

For the following permits you must live permanently at the address in the CPZ your permit is for: 

  • residential parking permit 
  • resident carer’s permit 
  • residential event day permit  
  • visitor permits 

Resident permit 

If you live in car-free housing, you cannot get a resident permit. 

There's a charge for changing the vehicle on your permit. 

Resident Blue Badge holder permit 

If there’s no longer an eligible Blue Badge holder in your household, you must let us know so we can cancel the permit.  If the permit’s used without an eligible Blue Badge holder, the vehicle may be issued with a parking ticket (penalty charge notice) and the vehicle may be removed. 

Resident carer’s permit 

You must tell us if you no longer need your carer's permit. 

Courtesy/temporary car cover 

You’re responsible for entering the start and end dates for your courtesy car cover. 

Your resident permit is not valid while your courtesy car cover is in place. 

Your resident’s permit will be reinstated on the date and time the temporary courtesy car cover ends. 

Business CPZ permit 

If your company stops trading at an address within the permit CPZ, you must update your account. 

Essential service permits 

There are certain streets in Haringey where parking isn't allowed with essential service permits. We reserve the right to update the list of streets where you’re not allowed to park. We'll take reasonable steps to let you know of changes.  

Permits are not valid for vehicles with a revenue weight of more than 3,500kg. 

You understand the permit is only valid for carrying out duties for your job in the vehicle listed on the permit and not for parking at your workplace. 

You must follow waiting and loading restrictions (yellow lines) and parking arrangements on housing estates. 

As an organisation using different vehicles, you can apply for daily vouchers or a transferable permit. You accept that you must update the permit vehicle registration number each time a different vehicle uses it. 

For daily permits it's your responsibility to make sure the date and time you use your permit and the vehicle registration number are correct. 

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