Concessionary qualification

Part of: Visitor parking permits

Unless you have a resident Blue Badge holder permit, you must fill in a resident concessionary qualification before you can buy concessionary visitor permits. This lets us know you're eligible to buy concessionary visitor permits. 

You may need to fill in a resident qualification before filling in a concessionary qualification. Find out if you need to fill in a resident qualification.


A resident concessionary qualification is free. 

Documents you need 

To fill in the form you must upload or post a copy of either: 

  • proof you're 65 or over – this can be a:
    • birth certificate
    • drivers licence 
    • passport
    • letter from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) showing your age
  • proof of disability – this can be: 
    • your Blue Badge number – we'll check this number on our system but if the check fails, please upload a copy of the back of your Blue Badge showing your picture and expiry date 
    • disabled persons Freedom Pass 
    • Certificate of Vision Impairment if you’re registered blind or severely sight impaired 
    • letter from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) stating that you get: 
      • Disability Living Allowance 
      • Personal Independence Payment 
      • Attendance Allowance 


  1. Log in to your parking account
  2. Select ‘Your permits’ and ‘See permits you can apply for (not visitor permits)’.  
  3. Click ‘Apply’ for ‘Resident concessionary qualification’.  
  4. Agree to the terms and conditions.   
  5. Enter either your Blue Badge number or upload or post your concession proof document. 
  6. Click ‘Apply’. 

We’ll send you an email letting you know we’re processing your application. 

Once your concessionary qualification is approved, you can buy concessionary visitor permits.

Contact us if you need help with applying. 

Renew your qualification 

Your resident concessionary qualification lasts for 1 year. 

You’ll receive an email 5 weeks before your resident qualification runs out, letting you know that you need to renew. 

To renew your qualification: 

  1. Log in to your parking account
  2. Under ‘Your permits’ click ‘View your permits’.  
  3. Click ‘Renew’ for ‘Resident concessionary qualification’.  
  4. Confirm your details.  
  5. Leave the renewal start date as it is. Your new qualification will start when your current one ends.  
  6. Enter your Blue Badge number or upload or post your concession proof document. 

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