Apply for a parking bay suspension

Part of: Suspensions to parking bays


The daily fee is £39 per single car space, plus an administration fee of £132.

Parking suspensions for funeral services are free. Find out how to apply for a funeral service suspension.

Suspensions can last up to 6 months. For suspensions longer than 6 months, a Traffic Management Order may cost less. Find out about Traffic Management Orders.

Skips and building materials 

If you want to suspend a parking space for a skip or building materials, you also need a skip/buildings materials licence. This lets you put those items on the road. See how to apply for a skip/building materials licence.

How to apply

Some controlled parking zones (CPZs) operate during the weekend. If your application is for a CPZ that operates Monday to Friday, and you need a suspension that covers 2 weeks, please select the actual days you need the suspension for. Check the CPZ times for your location before applying.

We can suspend any number of parking bays on the same road. If you need a suspension for more than 1 road, you must apply separately. An administration fee applies for each suspension. 

You must apply at least 2 weeks before you want the suspension to start. 

You must have an account and apply online: 

Apply now

Cancellation fees 

If we have processed your application, the cancellation fee is £66.

If we have processed your application and put up suspension boards, the cancellation fee is £132.

Changes to your suspension 

To change your suspension, you must contact us by email at least 8 working days before the suspension starts. If you do not, you may be charged an administration fee. 

Contact parking bay suspensions

For information about a suspension, to change a suspension and for a list of current suspensions.

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