Gourley Triangle

Details on the improvements we are planning to make to the Gourley Triangle site.

The Gourley Triangle project offers an opportunity to deliver new:

  • places to work that promote opportunities and wellbeing, and reduce inequality
  • places to live with significant investment in council homes
  • infrastructure that strengthens the social fabric of Haringey

The Triangle is part of one of the Mayor of London’s Creative Enterprise Zones and the acquisition of this site is supported by the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government's (MHCLG) Future High Streets Fund programme and One Public Estate’s Brownfield Land Release Fund.

The project has faced many viability challenges and is currently pending additional funding to securing the delivery of the Gourley Triangle's masterplan objectives.

The Gourley Triangle site

The Gourley Triangle site sits within St Ann’s Ward. It is located on Seven Sisters Road, to the southwest of Seven Sisters Station. The site is included within the Tottenham Area Action Plan as having potential for employment-led redevelopment.

Masterplan objectives

The following masterplan objectives build on our aspirations for the site as set out in the Area Action Plan. These provide a starting point and will be shaped through the engagement process.

Gourley Triangle at work

We are aiming to:

  • deliver no net loss of employment space
  • provide opportunities for varied employment uses
  • work with existing businesses to make sure that any relocation meets their needs, for example relocation within Haringey or provision of space in the development for ‘front of house’ uses

Embracing placemaking and improved connectivity

We are aiming to:

  • maximise opportunities for local creativity as the site has already been designated as a ‘Creative Enterprise Zone’
  • define character through active frontages and a lively public realm that is attractive, functional and safe
  • understand potential for wider placemaking benefits in connections to local green spaces
  • deliver an inclusive engagement approach around placemaking with as many different local groups as possible

Climate and sustainability at its heart

We are aiming to:

  • target net zero for new development, prioritising renewable energy sources
  • retain buildings where possible to enhance local character
  • prioritise preservation and enhancement of existing biodiversity
  • deliver on our ‘health in all policies’ agenda, by responding to air and noise pollution, minimising parking and promoting use of sustainable transport (walking and cycling)

A community wealth building approach

We are aiming to:

  • support the community wealth building agenda
  • drive wider local benefits relating to placemaking and social value, such as a unique workspace offer that links to businesses across Tottenham and beyond
  • deliver local employment and education opportunities, particularly for young people
  • employ an engagement strategy which will empower existing businesses to make a choice about their future

Delivery of council rented homes

We are aiming to:

  • provide secure, high-quality and affordable housing that residents are proud to call home.
  • maximise the number of high-quality council-rented homes on the site
  • deliver inclusive, mixed and sustainable communities

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