Good Growth Fund

Part of: Tottenham High Road strategy

The Good Growth Fund (GGF) is the Mayor of London’s regeneration programme which aims to support growth and community development in London. We were successful in our bid for a £2 million investment in Bruce Grove.

The overarching objectives of the Tottenham GGF programme are:

  • promoting Bruce Grove’s unique identity, reflecting the area’s diversity and culture
  • promoting a strong, resilient economy through the diversification of town centre activities
  • healthier, safer, greener and more connected places, streets and neighbourhoods
  • engaging local communities in changes to their town centres
  • promoting inward investment towards the areas of greatest need and opportunity

The funding will unlock economic investment, whilst creating opportunities for local residents and businesses to become much more involved in and benefit from Tottenham’s regeneration through:

  • meaningful engagement
  • community empowerment
  • business and enterprise support

There will also be a particular focus on the food and beverage sector, celebrating its existing presence in the area alongside a history of food production in Tottenham.