Shaping Wood Green

Our shaping Wood Green partnership, with details on our series of 6 themes for improvement and 5 placemaking areas of transformation.

Parnership overview

In partnership with the community, we’ve created a vision for the future of Wood Green called ‘Shaping Wood Green’ that covers the short, medium and long term. It is underpinned by a series of 6 themes for improvement, and 5 placemaking areas of transformation.

It sets out the Wood Green that we are committed to creating, in collaboration with local people and with help from our partners in the years ahead.

This is rooted in what residents, businesses and visitors have recently told us through Wood Green Voices and supported by our own evidence and ambitions. This is our vision for what Wood Green could become.

We will work hard to make things happen and continue to build on the collaboration that’s started.

Download Shaping Wood Green

These pages have all of the key highlights from Shaping Wood Green. You can download the entire document and enjoy all the photographs taken by Ulrike Leyens and Ben Blossom here.

Join the conversation!

Shaping Wood Green is a continuing conversation. If you would like to be part of the journey and get involved in future discussions about the themes and placemaking areas, please email us and we will add you to the Shaping Wood Green contact list.

See the Shaping Wood Green engagement website for the latest news and updates.

Contact the Wood Green regeneration team

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