Wood Green and Turnpike Lane design manual

The Wood Green and Turnpike Lane design manual and projects.

The Wood Green and Turnpike Lane design manual is a 'how to' guide to improve the local area. It is for:

  • the local community
  • architects
  • developers
  • the council

Together we can enhance and improve existing streets and spaces and make Wood Green a place where people love to live, work and play.

The design manual is a tool for designing inclusive neighbourhoods, based on these sustainability principles:

  • environmental
  • social
  • cultural
  • economic

While at the same time safeguarding locally distinctive features and heritage assets and making a place that is fit for purpose for all users.

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What the manual focuses on

The manual is divided into the following sections.

Sustainability design guidance

To support environmental, social, and economic benefits for the area today and in the future. 

Meaningful engagement

How to deliver engagement to ensure any changes meet the needs and aspirations of local communities.

Role of buildings

The role buildings play in the making of a successful public realm/space.

Public realm design guidance

How public space can be an inclusive space to support the civic, social, cultural, and economic life of Wood Green and deliver environmental sustainability. It covers hard and soft landscape materials and paving layouts, street furniture, Sustainable Urban Drainage (SUDS), lighting and public art.

Blue green infrastructure

The design and enhancement of blue and green infrastructure that helps mitigate the impacts of the climate emergency and pollution from vehicles and delivers that enhances the communities and creates sustainable wildlife habitats.

Project bank

The live project bank features small, medium and large-scale public realm (and other) projects, identified through engagement with the local community on the design manual. The projects are costed and many of which could be delivered as part of, or in relation to, development sites.

The design manual in action

Details of a couple of projects.

Mayes Road Pocket Park

We worked with Parkside Malvern Resident Association (PMRA) to re-imagine a forgotten space into a linear pocket park.

The Pocket Park is at the junction of a well-established residential area, on a key pedestrian and cycle route to the Wood Green Mall and beyond, and on a strategic walking route to the open space and parklands at Wood Green Common and Alexandra Park.

Using the Mayor of London’s Good Growth funding, we undertook a co-design process with PMRA to develop a community Pocket Park that would help improve the space by:

  • making it green and more sustainable
  • increasing the number of trees planted
  • enhancing its links to the town centre
  • creating a small space for people to relax, play and host events
  • encouraging community ownership

In close collaboration with the local community, we are now working on further phases to improve the public realm along the length of Mayes Road.

Wood Green Mall Art

In partnership with Haringey Mall funding was received from the Mayor of London’s Good Growth Fund Round 3 to install artwork on the Mall’s spiral ramp.

A community panel, consisting of local resident groups, community representatives, Haringey’s Youth Advisory Board and the council selected local artist Matt Dosa to paint the artwork titled 'Under Many Flags'.

Matt collaborated with the Youth Advisory Board, a youth-led organisation created to support 13 to 25-year-olds from Haringey to influence decisions in the local area. Together they delivered 7 co-design workshops with local schools and community groups and local participants to produce over 120 flags, drawing on their personal and cultural identities.

It was from these workshops that Matt was able to create the final design to be installed on the ramp.

Find out more about Wood Green Mall Art.

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