Dangerous structures

Guidance on how to report a dangerous structure

Report a dangerous structure

We have powers to deal with dangerous structures under the London Local Authorities Act 2000 and the London Building Acts (Amendment) Act, 1939), so that all structures within the borough that are considered dangerous to the general public are made safe as soon as possible.

Buildings can become dangerous at any time and for many reasons, ranging from old age, ground movement, poor maintenance, vehicle impact, vandalism or design defects, to more dramatic causes such as fire, explosion or storm damage.

Report a dangerous structure

You can report the dangerous structure directly to Building Control, either in person, by telephone or by completing our online form:

Report a dangerous structure

Do not use this form to report a dangerous structure if there is an immediate risk to the public. Please call us to make your report.

Call 020 8489 5504 during normal office hours, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (except bank holidays).

Call the out of hours service at other times: 020 8489 0000.

Unsafe working practices on construction sites

While Building Control surveyors have powers to deal with dangerous structures, they are not the enforcing authority for unsafe working practices on construction sites.

See the links below to contact the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and/or identify who the correct authority to contact is depending on your concerns.

Contact building control

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