Haringey's Local Plan: Strategic Policies Examination

Local Plan: Strategic Policies Agreed by Cabinet 12 February 2013

The Local Plan: Strategic Policies was agreed by Cabinet on 12 February 2013. It went to Full Council for adoption on 18 March 2013 (reference no. PE-27).

Inspector's Final Report Received 17 December 2012

The inspector's final report (reference no. PE-30) was received on 17 December 2012. The Local Plan: Strategic Policies, which has been amended to reflect the changes highlighted in the report, was presented to Cabinet for adoption in February 2013.

Inspector's Fact Check Report Received 27 November 2012

The Inspector’s Report was submitted to the Planning Policy team on 27 November 2012 for a fact check. The Inspector allocated a period of two weeks for the council to check the report for any factual errors.

Consultation on the Inspector’s Main Modifications: Closed 12 October 2012

The council provided an opportunity for those who had previously made representations on Haringey’s Local Plan: Strategic Policies, to comment on the Inspector’s table of Main Modifications (ref number PE-28), submitted to the council on 22 August 2012.

The table of Main Modifications comprises 58 modifications that the Inspector recommended to ensure the soundness of the Plan. The overwhelming majority of the modifications were proposed by the council and relate to matters of effectiveness, justification and consistency with national policy and the London Plan. They are predominantly drawn from the council’s consolidated schedule of post submission modifications (PE-26), except item number 28, which is a modification added by the Inspector, reflecting the content of the 2010 Core Strategy. In the interest of clarity, the Inspector sent a letter (ref number PE-29) to the council on 24 August 2012 summarising the reasoning for this modification.

The consultation was an opportunity to comment on the potential effects that arose from the list of Main Modifications. All the representations received were analysed and sent to the Inspector for his perusal. A spreadsheet containing a summary of all the comments (PDF, 831KB) and the council's response was sent to the inspector. As a result, the table of main modifications was slightly altered.

The Inspector’s table of Main Modifications (the first and amended version) and his letter dated 24 August 2012, summarising the reasoning for Modification 28, are available to view at 6th Floor, River Park House, 225 High Road, Wood Green, N22 8HQ, Civic Centre, Wood Green, N22 8LE, and all local libraries.

For further information please contact the Planning Policy Team by email at ldf@haringey.gov.uk or telephone on 020 8489 1479.

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Haringey's Local Plan: Strategic Policies (formerly Core Strategy) update

In recognition of the Government’s newly published NPPF, the council has renamed its submitted Core Strategy the Haringey Local Plan: Strategic Policies.

Consultation on the National Planning Policy Framework and Planning Policy for Traveller Sites - Closed 13 June 2012

The Government published the National Planning Policy Framework (external link) (NPPF); which came into effect on 27 March 2012 and the Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (external link); which came into effect on 25 March 2012. These documents replace a range of previous national policy advice and guidance (for example Planning Policy Statements).

The council provided an opportunity to make representations on the matters raised in these documents in so far as they potentially affect Haringey’s Local Plan: Strategic Policies (formerly Core Strategy). The council produced a Topic Paper (LBH - PDF, 88KB), including Appendix 1 ( Schedule of Modifications [LBH; PDF; 57KB] please note in order to view this spreadsheet you may need to increase the size) and Appendix 2 (the Planning Advisory Service NPPF checklist [LBH; PDF; 276KB]) . The paper outlines the way in which the council considers the NPPF may affect the content of Haringey’s Local Plan: Strategic Policies. The six week consultation period provided an opportunity to comment on this document as well.

The council considered all relevant responses received. The outcome of the consultation was provided to the examining Inspector.

A provisional date of 27th June was programmed in case a further hearing session was required. Having considered the content of all the resulting comments and the council's response, the Inspector decided that a further hearing into matters arising was not required.

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Consultation upon the updated Employment Land Study (2012) - closed 9 March 2012

Prior to the hearing on 22 February 2012, an update to the council's Employment Land Study (2012) was produced (document reference number LBH-14a) as evidence in relation to the council's position, but it has not altered the content of Haringey's Local plan; Strategic Policies further. The Inspector wanted to ensure that an opportunity was given to read and respond to this update if necessary. Consequently, a consultation was carried out from 24 February to 9 March 2012. The council also produced a database, which provides a summary of each representation and the council's response.

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Additional Hearing for Haringey's Local Plan: Strategic Policies Examination in Public - Completed 22 February 2012


The first set of hearings took place in June/July 2011. Following which, a revised consultation took place on the fundamental changes to the Local Plan: Strategic Policies (September-November 2011). In response to comments received from that consultation, the Inspector carried out an additional hearing to examine the issues raised in the revised consultation on 22 February 2012.

The examination took place at the Council Chamber in the Civic Centre, Wood Green N22 8LE. The dates and times were as follows:

Wednesday 22 February 201210am-5.30pm
Thursday 23 February 2012Provisional for overruns

The council's response to the hearing statements for the Examination in Public (EiP) 22 February 2012 can be found on the LBH Response to Matters page and the representors responses can be found on the Local Plan: Strategic Policies Hearing Statements page (reference numbers MI-R8, MI-R9 and MI-R10).

A copy of the Letter of Introduction, Invitation to the Examination from the Programme Officer and the Pre Hearing notes can be viewed in the attached files section below.

The Inspector identified a range of Matters and Issues to examine and an opportunity existed for those who had previously made representation to submit additional statements if necessary. These are published on the website. Details of the Matters and Issues can be viewed in the Hearing Agenda which is available in the attached files section below. Please revisit this page for up-to-date information.

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Revised Consultation on Haringey's Local Plan: Strategic Policies Fundamental Changes and the Draft NPPF - Closed 3 November 2011

Following the Examination in Public (EiP) - (June/July 2011) and to ensure soundness of the Local Plan: Strategic Policies, the council undertook a revised borough wide consultation upon the Local Plan Fundamental Changes (Core Document CSSD-03) and the Sustainability Appraisal (CSSD-05a). Comments made to the previous consultation were carried forward. The Local Plan: Strategic Policies Fundamental Changes and the Sustainability Appraisal documents can be found in the attached files section below. The Equalities Impact Assessment prepared in March 2011 for Haringey's Local Plan: Strategic Policies submission, supported the consultation.

As a separate matter, the Inspector also suggested that the council provide an opportunity to comment on the Draft National Planning Policy Framework (website - external link), issued in July 2011 in terms of what implications it may have, if any, for the submitted Local Plan: Strategic Policies.

The council finished processing all the representations on 15 December 2011 and copies were sent to the Inspector. The database of representations, which includes a summary of all representations and the council’s response, is available to view below in the attached files section.

Please note: because of the large size of the document, you will need to zoom in to 200% or above in order to view the text.

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Page last updated:

June 13, 2024