Development of the Strategic Policies

The Strategic Policies were formally adopted by Full Council on 18 March 2013 - they have subsequently been revised in line with the alterations adopted in July 2017, primarily to cater for higher housing targets. To view the 2013 version visit the Local Plan: Strategic Policies - Adopted page.

Examination and Post Hearing Modifications Consultation

Main Modifications Public Consultation

As part of the Examination of the Local Plan, the council sought comments on Post-Hearing Main Modifications. The consultation ran from 18 November 2016 until 13 January 2017.

Below are the responses received to the Main Modification Consultation. These are arranged by Representor ID number and name.

For further information on the consultation please visit the Local Plans Examination in Public page.

Reference Name
Res1 Defend Council Housing (PDF, 95KB)
Res2 Historic England (PDF, 620KB)
Res3 Sport England (PDF, 63KB)
Res4 Our Tottenham (PDF, 135KB)
Res5 Mario Petrou (PDF, 164KB)
Res6 Collective Planning on behalf of Provewell Ltd (PDF, 290KB)
Res7 Rapleys on behalf of LaSalle (PDF, 305KB)
Res8Greater London Authority (PDF, 87KB)
Res9 North London Waste Authority (PDF, 253KB)
Res10 Freehold Community Association (PDF, 5KB)
Res11 Pinkham Way Alliance (PDF, 1MB) | PWA Appendix (PDF. 83KB) | PWA Inspector's letter (PDF, 352KB) | PWA Appendix 2 (PDF, 55KB) | PWA Appendix 3 (PDF, 547KB)
Res12 Tottenham Hotspur Football Club (PDF, 502KB) and Policy text rewording (PDF, 213KB)

Post Submission Correspondence

Set out below are the council’s Statements which have been submitted in response to the Inspector’s Matters and Issues.

Set out below are the Representors’ Additional Statements which have been submitted in response to the Inspector’s Matters and Issues. These are organised by Representor ID number and name, along with the policy number(s) to which the statements refer, where they have been specified by the Representor.

Alterations to Strategic Policies

Reference Name Policies
003 Iceni Projects obo Berkeley Homes SP8
007 Zena Brabazon for DERA (PDF, 135KB)SP2
009 Anne Gray (responded to SP consultation. SP ID 09) (PDF, 554KB)SP2
020 Our Tottenham (PDF, 430KB)SP2
024 London Borough of Hackney (PDF, 243KB)SP8
027 Historic England (PDF, 295KB)SP1

Statements of Common Ground

The following Statements of Common Ground have been prepared in support of the Examination.

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Pre-Submission Consultation 8 January - 4 March 2016




Publication Stage (Reg 19) 8 January - 4 March 2016
Submission for Secretary of State (Reg 22) 24 May 2016
Hearing Sessions into the Four Local Plan documents 23 August – 8 September 2016
The council to send the Planning Inspector the list of modifications to be made to each Plan. The modifications are those requested by the Planning Inspector during the hearing sessions as well as those agreed by the council in response to the representations received to the pre-submission consultation. 19 October 2016
The Planning Inspector to agree the list of modifications. 9 November 2016
The council to publish the list of modifications for public consultation for a period of six weeks, including an updated Sustainability Appraisal if required. 18 November – 13 January 2017
The representations made to the list of modifications, and council’s response to these, to be forwarded to the Planning Inspector for her consideration. Note: All comments received will be published on the council’s website along with council’s response. February 2017
The Planning Inspector to issue the reports into the Examination in Public on each of the four Local Plans. May 2017
Subject to the Plan’s being found ‘sound’ by the Planning Inspector, the documents to be reported to Regulatory Committee, Cabinet and Full Council for formal adoption.  June 2017

Our changes to the council’s Strategic Policies are largely factual and reflect how the population levels of Haringey have changed in the past two years, including:

  • A target of nearly 20,000 modern, high-quality new homes built by 2026, with a focus on regeneration areas in Tottenham and Wood Green
  • A target to increase employment levels in Haringey by 29% during the next 20 years
  • A strategy for improving Haringey’s housing estates where simple refurbishment through the Decent Homes programme is not possible

Page last updated:

February 20, 2023