Further guidance

Part of: Cancellation (Reversion) applications

A Reversion Application is intended to be used in respect of the Building Regulations 2010 where an Initial Notice from a Registered Building Control Approver has ceased to be in force and the application is to revert back to us.

Where we receive a Reversion Application, we may require the applicant to take such reasonable steps, including:

  • the laying open of the building work for inspection
  • making tests and taking samples we think appropriate to ascertain if any work is required to ensure that the relevant requirements are met

If an applicant is unwilling to comply with any reasonable request they run the risk that we will be unable to judge whether the work satisfies the applicable Regulations.

These notes are for general guidance only, particulars regarding the Reversion Application are contained in Regulation 22 of the Building (Registered Building Control Approvers etc.) (England) Regulations 2024 and, in respect of fees, the current fees/charges regulations.

The Reversion Application is without prejudice to the powers of a Local Authority under Section 35/36 of the Building Act 1984 or of any other statutory requirement or enactment affecting the building.

It is the owner of the building and their builder‘s responsibility to comply with the Building Regulations. Persons carrying out building work or making a change of use of a building are reminded that permission may also be required under other legislation – for example, the Town and Country Planning Act, Highways Act, Housing Act and Public Health Act.

Initial information we need for the Reversion Application

You must submit the following information to us:

  • a completed Form 10 for the cancellation of the originally submitted initial notice
  • a completed reversion notice form
  • payment of the relevant fee
  • details of Registered Building Control Approver Information including plans certificates, visits, inspections records, actions, and outcomes
  • a comprehensive technical information package for the works that may include: plans, sections, elevations, site plans, specifications, mechanical and electrical information, energy calculations, air tests, sound tests, statutory consultations, formal agreements, specialist engineers reports and calculations, third party warranties, and any commissioning certification

We will assess the information against the requirements of the building regulations, carry out any consultations and communicate to you or your agent any areas that need addressing or where further information is required.

We will carry out the designated number of site inspections during the construction period (where works are still ongoing) and any other inspections we think are needed to ensure compliance.

Charges and quotations

A fee will be calculated on submission of the application based on the information supplied and any evidenced Registered Building Control Approver inspection records. This is without prejudice for Haringey Council to levy additional charges based on our hourly rate, should our time involved in the project exceed the standard fee applied when the application was made. All Haringey Building Control fees are based on a cost recovery basis.

All of our charges and quotations will cover:

  • the administration process
  • plan check (where the previous Registered Building Control Approver has not submitted a formal Plans Certificate to us for the previous initial notice)
  • statutory consultations and the site inspection process
  • the issue of an electronic completion certificate

Completion Certificates

We will endeavour to obtain as much information as possible and may have required works to be opened up to ensure compliance with the Building Regulations. We will consider the available information provided by clients and Registered Building Control Approver in good faith when assessing compliance, but will not take responsibility for the quality or accuracy of the information provided.

Furthermore, by virtue of the status or complexity of the project on reversion, some elements may not have been able to be opened up for assessment and may not have been subject to intrusive inspections. These elements cannot therefore be conclusively verified as compliant. We will issue an electronic completion certificate confirming that your project has been inspected and that, as far as it can be ascertained, it complies with the Building Regulations. You will need this certificate when you wish to sell your property.

Electrical Installations

Part P of the Building Regulations requires that all notifiable, domestic electrical installations are designed and installed to protect people against injury and fire.

Where these works are carried out by an approved installer registered under the Government’s Competent Person Scheme a Building Regulation application is not required.

Where these works are carried out by an installer qualified to inspect and test the work by issuing a BS7671 certificate, but not registered on a Part P Competent Person Scheme, a Building Regulation application is required and an administrative fee is payable. Proof of the electrician’s qualification will be required.

Where these works are undertaken by a person who cannot issue BS7671 certification (DIY installation), a Building Regulation application is required. We will arrange for a third-party inspection and testing of the electrical installation and a fee is payable.

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