Local Land Charge fees

Fees for Local Land Charge Register searches

We no longer conduct Local Land Charge Register searches (LLC1).

Fees 2024-25
Search type Net amount VAT Gross amount
CON29R £124 £24.80 £148.80
Additional land/property Fee (CON29R) £27 £5.40 £32.40
CON290 Question £7.50 £1.50 £9.00

BACS Details:

  • Bank Account Name: LB Haringey – General Account
  • Sort Code: 20-98-47
  • Bank Account: 73294617

You will need to quote C6200060523 as the payment reference.

Please make sure you type the reference exactly as it appears above, so your payment is received into the correct Local Land Charges account.

Please also send confirmation of the payment by email to land.charges@haringey.gov.uk – this will enable us to process the search more efficiently.

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