Tottenham High Street Heritage Action Zone

Details on the Tottenham High Street Heritage Action Zone, including shopfront and forecourt improvements, heritage conservation, shopfronts design guide, the HSHAZ cultural programme.

Background and timeline

We have been awarded a grant of just over £2 million from Historic England’s High Streets Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) programme. We are providing match funding, taking the project total to around £5 million.

This is part of the £95 million government-funded programme that is being delivered by Historic England to unlock the potential of over 60 high streets across the country.

The Tottenham High Street Heritage Action Zone will make the high street in Bruce Grove Town Centre a more attractive, engaging and vibrant place for people to live, work and spend time. It aims to:

  • build a unique identity for the local area and its people
  • celebrate its cultural diversity
  • encourage investment

The HSHAZ programme seeks to achieve these goals by funding long-term improvements to buildings and public spaces within the Bruce Grove Conservation Area. Focussing on Bruce Grove (road) and the High Road, the HSHAZ programme will carry out physical improvements to buildings, cultural activities and community engagement.

The HSHAZ programme will pay for:

  • improved public/community facilities, including restoration of the Bruce Grove Public Conveniences, St Mark's Methodist Church and enhanced facilities for young people
  • repair and/or reinstatement of traditional shopfronts and other distinctive historic features
  • improvements to public realm, including new paving, street greenery and signage
  • external repairs and enhancements to key historic buildings within the conservation area
  • preparation of detailed design and planning guidance, alongside training, to inform improvements and to equip local property and business owners with the knowledge to maintain and/or improve properties
  • essential surveys and inspections of key buildings at risk, to inform future schemes of improvement
  • a series of cultural and community engagement activities to enable local people to engage with and become invested in their heritage


The Tottenham HSHAZ programme will run until December 2024.

See the HSHAZ Commonplace website for all the latest updates on this project.

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