Haringey Neighbourhood Waste Watch Champions

Find out how to help combat littering in your neighbourhood.

Haringey Waste Champions is an informal volunteering scheme to support residents to make small improvements with a big impact in your neighbourhood and be the eyes and ears of the council. Reporting environmental issues including dumped rubbish, graffiti, litter and encouraging members of your community to keep the local area clean and tidy or taking part in or hosting litter picks. 

The scheme is open to all residents borough-wide. If you would like further information about the scheme, or an informal chat with a member of our team to see if you would like to join, please complete the form below and a member of our team will contact you.

Volunteering has many benefits. Not only do you get out and about in the fresh air, you can also:

  • link up with other people with a similar interest in the local area
  • meet new people
  • feel proud of your neighbourhood
  • feel good that you are making a difference for your community.

Please sign up by completing the form below. We look forward to welcoming you to the scheme! 

Become a Neighbourhood Waste Watch Champion

Haringey Waste Champion Support 

Here are some of the activities you can get involved in

Litter picking 

You can litter pick anywhere within the Haringey boundary at your own leisure – we do not expect you to follow any set schedule or requirements. Some champions volunteer every day, once a week or just once a month.

You can pick up anything like cans, cigarettes, plastic bottles, plastic wrapper, plastic bags, cupboards, boxes, crisps packets, etc. 

Please do not litter pick hazardous waste like dog fouling, glass or needles, or suspected asbestos material. Please report these to Veolia by either emailing enquiries.haringey@veolia.com or by calling 020 8885 7700.

Should you find a knife, call 101.

Please consider any dangers from the area where picking. We do ask that you do not litter pick near busy roads, watercourses or in secluded or dark areas. Remember to let others know where you are and have the means to raise the alarm in an emergency. 

We do not provide training for litter picking. However, we offer a generic information toolkit for the waste champion role and guidance to ensure you are safe.

Litter Picking Equipment

You will receive everything you need to do a litter pick. The pack contains gloves, a hi-vis tabard for safety and visibility, waste sacks, gloves and of course a litter pick. Details will be provided of how to dispose of your sacks once the litter pick is complete. 

You can request more equipment by emailing enquiries.haringey@veolia.com or by calling our waste and cleansing contractor, Veolia 020 8885 7700

Litter Picking Clothing

We provide gloves and a hi-vis tabard as part of the pack and it is recommended you wear these. We also ask that you wear appropriate clothing for the weather and area you intend to litter pick. For example, if it is sunny wear a hat and use sunscreen. Wear clothing to protect your arms and legs from brambles/nettles. Always wear sensible footwear, not sandals.

Joining up with other Haringey Waste Champions on a litter pick 

Many of our volunteers like to do litter picks with others. We plan to set up some social media moving forward so people can get in touch with other waste champions. In the meantime, the best way to get in touch with other waste champions is to come along to one of our online meetings to meet other volunteers. 


For bigger groups such as community groups, schools, colleges, tenants and residents associations and businesses we can help by lending out equipment for specific events. Just sign up to become a volunteer, and we will be in touch.

How to deal with the rubbish collected

At Haringey we want to know how much you have collected and how many people are standing up and saying – no more to litter! And we want to tell everyone about it. Please record how many bags of non-recyclable/general waste and recycling you have collected (photos welcomed!) and let us know after the event has taken place. You can contact Veolia at enquiries.haringey@veolia.com or by calling 020 8885 7700.

Litter issues in your area

If you have an issue in your area with litter, please contact Veolia by either emailing enquiries.haringey@veolia.com or by calling 020 8885 7700. 

Report Graffiti 

You can report graffiti and flyposting online.

Report Fly Tipping

You can report dumped rubbish and flytipping online.

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