Pay or challenge a dumped rubbish penalty notice

How to pay or challenge a fixed penalty notice (FPN) for dumped rubbish, littering and dog fouling.

This is not for parking. To pay a parking fine please see our parking penalty charge notice (PCN) page.

The penalty is set at:

  • £500 for littering or dog fouling
  • £1,000 for dumping rubbish (fly-tipping)

You must pay it within 14 days.

How to pay

You have 2 ways to pay your FPN:

  • online
  • by telephone

Online payment

Make sure you have:

  • the reference number on your letter
  • your debit or credit card

Pay online if your reference starts with “WK"

Pay online if your reference is a 9-digit number only

We are aware of a few accessibility and usability issues currently affecting the payment portal you can use if your FPN has a 9-digit number reference. We are working to get these fixed as soon as possible. If you experience any problems you can pay your FPN by telephone – see below.

By telephone

You can also call us and pay over the phone:

  • if FPN reference starts with “WK” you can pay by telephone on 020 8489 1000
  • if the FPN is a 9-digit number only you can pay by telephone on 020 7150 8697 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm)

If you pay the fixed penalty notice within 14 days no further action will be taken. 

If you don't pay

If you do not pay the fixed penalty notice within 14 days, a summons will be issued against you and the case will be heard in the Magistrates’ Court. If convicted, you could be fined and ordered to pay the costs of the prosecution.

The penalty issued by the courts can be up to £2,500 and you could get a criminal record. 

Challenge a penalty notice

You cannot appeal against a penalty notice but you can challenge it, which is called a 'representation'.

You can make a representation on any ground, but it may only be cancelled if:

  • you are sure the penalty notice was issued incorrectly
  • it is not in the public interest to proceed against a defendant

Before you start your representation, you will need the FPN reference number on your letter.

You have 2 options:

Your representation will be considered independently by a Reviewing Officer. They will also inform you of the outcome. Once your challenge to the penalty notice is received the clock stops until you receive a response, and you won’t be disadvantaged.

Challenges that are not accepted

The following challenges from residents will be rejected:

  • there were no signs nearby
  • there were no bins nearby
  • it's only small, for example a cigarette end or crisp packet
  • my cigarette end could cause a fire in the bin
  • I offered to pick up the litter
  • a warning wasn't given
  • I live in a flat above a shop and had to put my rubbish out early because I was busy or away
  • other people do it
  • my rubbish was overflowing
  • it was only 1 box or bin bag
  • I didn't want the item and thought someone else might want it
  • someone else put the rubbish out for me
  • the rubbish was in my garden and someone must have moved it

The following challenges from businesses will be rejected:

  • I ran out of commercial rubbish sacks or stickers
  • the contractor said it was ok
  • I don't need a contract
  • a new or untrained member of staff put it out
  • I have a contract but no paperwork
  • I pay my business rates so I don't need a contract
  • there was a missed collection and I couldn't bring it back inside
  • I needed to put it out before the timed collection because it was unsanitary
  • all the shops in the area do the same
  • it wasn't all my rubbish

If you still want to make a representation after reading the challenges that will not be accepted, please fill out the online form or write to us.

Contact customer services: enforcement service

Office hours
Monday to Tuesday 9am to 5pm
Wednesday 10am to 5pm
Thursday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Saturday to Sunday Closed

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