How we promote inclusion in music 

Part of: About Haringey Music Service

We want music education to be open to everyone in our community. 

We aim to make sure: 

  • every child in Haringey can join in with musical activities that matter to them 
  • children can take part in music in a way that suits them 

We have signed Music Mark’s Talk into Action pledge, and commit to putting equality, diversity and inclusion at the heart of all we do.

Our inclusion lead is Abigail Munson.

Financial support for families 

We have 4 areas of financial help available to young musicians:

  1. Children who get free school meals pay reduced fees for lessons and instrument hire. They do not pay to join after-school bands and ensembles. 
  2. Parents and carers can pay in instalments for lessons and bands and ensembles. 
  3. We have an Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme where parents can buy instruments free of VAT in interest free instalments. 
  4. We have a limited number of bursaries for children referred by their school or setting. This is for children where music will make a difference and whose parents or carers cannot afford to pay for their music activities. 

Support in schools 

Many primary schools in Haringey offer at least 1 year of free, whole-class instrumental lessons to each child. They also work with families to encourage young musicians to continue their learning. 

Our schools work together to help young musicians as they change from primary to secondary school. They share information about their: 

  • musical achievements 
  • challenges 
  • needs 

As a service we might look at how the music curriculum reflects the young musicians in that school. 

Our work with families 

Our work with families includes helping parents and carers know: 

  • what opportunities are available for their young musicians 
  • which exam board is right for their child's exam 
  • which music activities are best for their child 
  • about free and low-cost opportunities offered by our hub partners 

We’re always looking for feedback, and ask children, young people and their parents or carers what they think of our activities.  

Support for children with additional needs 

We’re looking for further funding to support children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).  

The support may include: 

  • more teachers or specially adapted musical instruments so children with SEND can take part 
  • new musical opportunities for children whose special educational needs cannot be met within our existing ensembles 
  • training teachers to work more effectively with young SEND musicians

Our approach to educating young musicians with SEND is moving from an inclusive approach to one of integration. 

Our next steps 

We want to:  

  • keep parents and carers informed of what’s going on through regular communications 
  • contact parents and carers whose children’s lives could be transformed through taking part in music 
  • raise the profile of whole-class performances on school websites 
  • celebrate the diversity of young musicians who take part in our activities 
  • fundraise to develop our activities and opportunities for young musicians with SEND 
  • commission new original music from female and global majority composers for our ensembles 
  • make links with communities not accessing our services to learn how we can change what we offer to better serve them 
  • talk to more children and young people to find out about their musical interests to help us improve our offer 

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