Safeguarding information for schools – Haringey Music Service 

Safeguarding checks teachers go through, report teacher concerns and our safeguarding team.

All Haringey Music Service teachers go through checks as per our safer recruitment policy. 

You can ask for their DBS number and date of issue for your Single Central Record.   

As per the Department for Education’s keeping children safe in education guidance, all our music teachers have:  

  • confirmed their identity against an official document showing their photograph, like a passport or driving licence 
  • confirmed their address against a utility bill dated within the last 3 months 
  • an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check 
  • been checked against the Children's Barred List (this may have been included in the DBS check) 
  • given 2 satisfactory written references confirming there are no concerns about the individual working with children 
  • proof of qualifications (qualified teacher status only) that they need for their teaching post  
  • confirmation of their right to work in the UK  
  • a check of their full employment history (since leaving school) with any gaps explained   
  • confirmation they are medically fit for the role (ideally completion of a pre-engagement medical form) 
  • had a criminal record check in the relevant country if they lived outside the UK in the last 5 years for a continuous period of 3 months or more 

Report teacher concerns 

If one of our teachers has a concern, we expect them to let your safeguarding lead or deputy lead know. They would then follow the your policy in recording concerns or disclosures. 

The teacher would also complete our record of concern form. We then contact your designated safeguarding lead and send a copy of the form to your secure mailbox. 

We expect all our teachers to know who your school designated safeguarding leads are by name. Please make sure they know, and add this information to any: 

  • induction 
  • event calendars 
  • handbooks  

Our safeguarding team 

Details of our safeguarding team:

  • designated safeguarding lead – Daniel Earley – 07971 837594 
  • deputy designated safeguarding lead – Nick Walker – 07973 244027 
  • deputy designated safeguarding lead and mental health first aider – Abigail Munson – 07907 741517 

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