Children’s Continuing Care (NHS)

Children's Continuing Care is an NHS-run service that provides a tailored support package for children and young people aged 0-17 (until their 18th birthday) with complex health needs due to disabilities, accidents, or illnesses that existing services cannot meet alone.

This service provides a support package for needs resulting from conditions such as:

  • Disabilities
  • Complex congenital conditions
  • Long-term, life-limiting, or life-threatening conditions
  • Aftereffects of serious illnesses or injuries

How to get support if you're a parent or carer:

If you think your child should be assessed for NHS Children’s Continuing Care, talk to a health or social care professional who works with them. They will make a referral to the local Children’s Continuing Care Team, at Whittington Health.

How to make a referral if you're a professional

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