Parent Infant Psychology Service (NHS)

Parent Infant Psychology Service (PIPS) is an NHS-run service for families in Haringey with infants up to two years old. The team of clinical psychologists and a parent-infant psychotherapist helps parents, carers, or guardians of infants under two years old and those expecting a baby.

Many parents struggle when expecting a baby or after their baby is born. PIPS understands how challenging this time can be and aims to help in several ways:

  • Improve understanding of your baby and relationships
  • Provide support for relationship difficulties with your child, partner, or other family members
  • Offer reassurance and support for parenting concerns and feelings of being overwhelmed, tired, or helpless

How to get support if you're a parent or carer:

Parents or carers cannot self-refer to this service. Referrals must come from health visitors, midwives, mental health workers, GPs, or outreach workers at Children’s Centres or Family Hub. 

How to make a referral if you're a professional:

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