SEND Directory

Haringey's Local Offer - services, support, and resources for children and young people (0-25) with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)

Find services for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)

Directory Entries (map)

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Directory Entries

Newlife Charity

Newlife is the UK’s largest charitable provider of specialist equipment for disabled children.

Newlife offers a lifeline for families, providing life-changing and life-saving equipment when and where its needed. Alongside equipment, they campaign to improve the outlook for disabled children and change lives. They support parents, work with health professionals and strive for a future where all disabled children get the equipment they need and deserve.

Independent Parental Special Education Advice (ISPEA) Charity

Independent Parental Special Education Advice (ISPEA) is the leading national charity in the field of SEND law in England.

They provide:

  • Free and independent legal advice and support to families of children and young people with SEND. 
  • Training on the SEND legal framework.
  • Help children and young people with SEND get the education they are entitled to by law.

Childline Charity

Childline is here to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through.

Deafblind UK Charity

Deafblind UK is a national charity that supports people with sight and hearing loss in living the lives they want. They provide practical help, emotional support, help with technology, information, advice, and even holidays to anyone who needs it, including resources and support for professionals.

Disability Action Haringey

Disability Action Haringey (DAH) was formed in 2020 with the aim of supporting disabled people in the London Borough of Haringey maintain their independence and freedom. We are committed to the social model of disability and building a society that accepts and accommodates everyone.

As a Deaf and Disabled Persons’ Organisation, our services will always be centred on the demands of the service users themselves, which leads us to take a holistic approach to support.

Family Fund Charity - Grants

Family Fund is the UK's largest grant-making charity for families raising a disabled or seriously ill child, on a low income. Find out about the various grants they deliver, eligibility criteria and how to make an application on their website

Help with housing

There are options for those who may need extra care and support to stay in their homes, would like support to live independently, or are considering residential care.

Markfield: inclusive community hub

Markfield is an inclusive community hub in Haringey where people can play, socialise and get information & support.

Our vision is a world where disabled, Deaf and autistic people are treated as equals, have a voice and can live the life they want.

Markfield offers a range of support services for parents/carers and young people such as: 

National careers service

We provide careers information, advice and guidance. We can help you make decisions at all stages in your career.

POhWER: charity and free advocacy services

POhWER is a charity that offers free advocacy, information, and advice services to help people who find it difficult to express their views or access support due to disability, illness, social exclusion, or other challenges. 

In Haringey, POhWER provides services such as Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA), Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA), Independent Health Complaints Advocacy (IHCA), and Care Act Advocacy. These services empower individuals by ensuring their voices are heard and their rights upheld.

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