SEND Directory

Haringey's Local Offer - services, support, and resources for children and young people (0-25) with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)

Find services for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)

Directory Entries (map)

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Directory Entries

Holidays and grants

Grants and Holidays for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and Serious Illnesses.

Short breaks

Short breaks, also known as respite, provide opportunities for children and young people with special needs to spend time away from their primary carers. These breaks can occur during the day, evening, overnight, weekends, or school holidays and can take place in various settings such as the child's home, an approved carer's home, a residential setting, or a community location.

Types of short breaks:

Short breaks grant (previously personal budgets)

Personal budgets for children and young people with special needs and/or disabilities and their families will now be known as the Short Breaks Grant.  

A new policy statement and self-assessment form are being finalised and launched in early 2025. 

This page will soon include more details. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact the Disabled Children’s Team.

Blanche Nevile School for the Deaf - secondary school

The secondary school at Blanche Nevile School for the Deaf provides a high-quality education for deaf and hearing-impaired children from all areas of London. It is co-located with Fortismere Mainstream School and offers a unique signed bilingual model of communication for these children.

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