Access to Work: get support if you have a disability or health condition

Access to Work can help you get or stay in work if you are 16 or older and have a physical or mental health condition or disability.

Access to Work can help you get or stay in work if you are 16 or older and have a physical or mental health condition or disability. The support you get will depend on your needs.

Access to Work could give you a grant to help pay for things like:

  • specialist equipment and assistive software
  • support workers, like a BSL interpreter, a job coach or a travel buddy
  • costs of travelling to work, if you cannot use public transport
  • adaptations to your vehicle so you can get to work
  • physical changes to your workplace
  • Your workplace can include your home if you work from there some or all of the time.


  • have a physical or mental health condition or disability that means you need support to do your job or get to and from work
  • be 16 or over
  • be in paid work (or be about to start or return to paid work in the next 12 weeks)
  • live and work (or be about to start or return to work) in England, Scotland or Wales - there’s a different system in Northern Ireland

Visit the GOV.UK access to work website for more information and details. 


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