Children and Young People Mental Health Service (NHS)

The Haringey Children and Young People Mental Health Service (CYPS) is an NHS-run service previously known as Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).

The Haringey Children and Young People Mental Health Service provides multidisciplinary assessment and treatment of children and young people from ages 0-17 with mental ill-health or severe emotional and behavioural difficulties. It is an NHS service consisting of five teams that work closely together:

  • Access team
  • Generic Team
  • Learning Disability Team
  • Adolescent Outreach Team
  • Haringey Trailblazers (mental Health Support Team)

How to get support if you're a parent or carer:

Parents or carers cannot self-refer to this service. Referrals must come from professionals, such as teachers or GPs.

How to make a referral if you're a professional:

Visit the Children and Young People Mental Health Service (NHS) webpage and click 'How to access this service'

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