Haringey Speech and Language Therapy (NHS)

The Haringey Speech and Language Therapy is an NHS-run service that works with children who experience difficulties around speech, language, attention, listening, interaction and alternative augmentative communication. They also work with those who have eating and drinking difficulties.
Some of the work they do includes: 

  • Provide support in identifying speech, language, communication and swallowing needs.
  • Create targeted intervention for those identified with needs.
  • Work with parents, teachers and other professionals to ensure the best possible outcomes for children.

How to get support if you're a parent or carer:

Parents or carers cannot self-refer to this service. Referrals must come from healthcare or educational professionals. 

If you need a referral, please speak to the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCO) at your child's school or a healthcare professional.

If your child is not yet in school, visit the Haringey Speech and Language Therapy (NHS) webpage for information.

How to make a referral if you're a professional:

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