Moorfields Eye Hospital (NHS)

Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is one of the world's leading centres for eye health. The Richard Desmond Children's Eye Centre treats children and young people.

The team in this service offers a full range of treatments for children's eye conditions in their dedicated children's centres and community locations.

Their children's service covers all major types of eye condition. These include:

  • squints (strabismus)
  • lazy eye (amblyopia)
  • refractive errors, problems with the eye socket
  • tear glands and lids
  • anophthalmia and microphthalmia (for children born without eyes or with very small eyes)
  • cataracts
  • external and corneal diseases
  • genetic conditions
  • glaucoma
  • retinal disorders
  • inflammatory eye conditions (uveitis)

How to get support if you're a parent or carer:

You should see your GP or optician first. If they decide the eye condition needs to be investigated by more specialist staff, they will arrange for you to have an outpatient appointment with Moorfields or another eye-care provider.

How to make a referral if you're a professional:

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