Mums In Mainstream

Mums In Mainstream is a support group for Mums of kids with an autism diagnosis. We provide a peer network and a supportive environment for all stages of the autism journey.

It is not a group for professionals working within the field of autism and is not a general SEN group. Our ethos is "neurodiversity-positive" meaning we exist to support ourselves and our kids through their autistic journeys and consider autism as a different way of being and not a deficit or illness which needs curing.

We operate through our Facebook page where we aim to inform and discuss issues of relevance and we also arrange regular social events in the Haringey area (as well as workshops and talks) aimed at furthering our understanding of autism and the related issues. All these events are listed on our Facebook page. Our kids attend mainstream and special schools, autism provisions, colleges and in some cases, no school at all.

We are currently independent, unaffiliated, and unfunded. We are warm, friendly and welcoming. For all enquiries contact us through the Mums In Mainstream Facebook page or direct message via Facebook.

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