Local events to mark World Oral Health day
Thursday 20 March is World Oral Health day! See what our oral health team has organised to mark the occasion.
How the Anchor Approach supports the mental wellbeing of children and young people, training, tools, and resources.
The Anchor Approach supports adults to improve mental health and wellbeing in children, young people, and families.
We provide resources and training in a range of techniques informed by research on relationship building, attachment and trauma theory, and brain development.
This early intervention support can be used by:
The Anchor Approach focuses on building emotional resilience. This is the ability to manage and recover quickly from difficult situations.
Over a 6-year period, exclusion rate data found that schools that fully embedded the Anchor Approach were 4 times less likely to exclude students.
For educational settings, the Anchor Approach offers a ‘whole school approach’ to mental health. Helping schools and other educational settings fulfil their requirement to provide mental health support for pupils, in a way that’s consistent with Department for Education (DfE) guidance. The independent evaluation by University College London reported that the Anchor Approach is "effective and meets DfE objectives".
Our case studies found the Anchor Approach was able to meet the following needs:
Anchor Approach tools and techniques can be used by:
The Anchor Approach provides educational settings with a 'whole school approach' to mental health, aimed at:
‘School Network Meetings’ bring together various professionals who work with children. The purpose of these meetings is to identify and meet the needs of specific children. Strategies discussed in these sessions are then shared with other staff so that children throughout Haringey with similar needs can also benefit.
Teams within Haringey children’s services, ‘mental health in schools’ staff and voluntary organisations also share information from these meetings with parents and carers.
This brochure brings together tools, resources and weblinks under themes that will help Emotional Wellbeing Leads, Sendco’s and Inclusion Leads to support the emotional health and wellbeing of children, staff and families.
Download a copy below:
Contact us for more information and/or to access: