Healthy Schools: domestic abuse

Domestic abuse can affect anyone and take many forms, including physical, emotional, psychological, financial and sexual. This page provides you with helpful contacts and signposting information for organisations that support victims of abuse. The information has been provided by our Violence Against Women and Girls team (VAWG). If you suspect a pupil is being exposed to domestic abuse or any other form of VAWG please follow school procedures and refer in the normal way.

Find all Healthy Schools resources here

Other useful resources about domestic abuse are available below.

Understanding domestic abuse

This free webinar (external link) from UCL focuses on how abuse in childhood impacts long-term mental health, providing a better understanding of these dynamics and why early identification is crucial.

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For young people and families

Draw The Line (external link) is a web app for smartphones. It allows young people to read other young people’s stories and identify harmful behaviours. They can then compare their answers to other young people and professionals. Information is provided on why it's the behaviour that is harmful. Signposting information is also included. Professionals can try it on parent/guardian mode.

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For children and young people

Victim Support offers a number of free specialist young people’s services for those witnessing familial domestic abuse, as well as young people experiencing abusive behaviour in their own relationships. It works with children and young people from the age of 4, providing access to ongoing practical and emotional support.


Wellbeing journals

Solace Women’s Aid (external link) runs a free interactive educational programme in primary and secondary schools in Haringey, focussed on raising awareness of the different forms of VAWG. It offers group work, staff training and resources.

Protect Our Women (POW) usually takes place over 10 weeks, including introduction and closing sessions.

The topics POW covers are:

  • Domestic abuse
  • Sexual violence
  • Stalking
  • Violence against Women and Girls and the Media
  • Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
  • Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
  • Forced marriage
  • 'Honour'-based violence (HBV)

Have a look at the Wellbeing journals for primary and secondary students:

Solace can provide guidance for teachers on how to use the journal if needed.

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Please note that we advise teachers to look at the material and decide what language and content are appropriate for the child or class.

Other useful helplines to contact:

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More resources

For more information about domestic abuse and the other forms of VAWG, including support services for adults and for young people, please see the VAWG pages.

You can also download the VAWG Guidance for Professionals - June 2021 (PDF, 445KB) on responding to domestic abuse and other forms of VAWG.

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Page last updated:

September 22, 2022