Haringey Healthy Weight Strategy 2022 to 2025

How we plan to tackle obesity within our community.

Download our Healthy Weight Strategy:

About our strategy

Haringey has high overweight and obesity rates:

  • 48.7% of adults are overweight or obese
  • 23% of reception children and 38% of Year 6 children are overweight or obese (according to the National Child Measurement Programme classification)

We've worked with partners to create our Healthy Weight Strategy to promote healthy weight and tackle obesity using an evidence-based approach.

Our approach

We know that tackling obesity is complex and evidence suggests that any single intervention is unlikely to be effective on its own. The Tackling Obesities report identifies over a hundred factors which contribute to obesity. Our approach aims to understand how these factors influence each other and how we can promote behaviour change at a community level.

Download our Tackling Obesities report:

Tackling obesities: Future choices – Project report

Contact the public health team

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